All Subjects
Homeworkopoly *TEACHERS
Designed to mimic Monopoly, Homeworkopoly is a really fun FREE incentive program for encouraging students to do their homework and making homework fun. I had students begging me to give them homework!
Homework Center *ALL+HS
Get help with homework in any subject area with Fact Monster!
Ask a Librarian *ALL+HS
Chat online with a librarian any time of day or night to get help with your research questions. You can also search the database for answers to your research topics.
Study Guides *ALL+HS
This website has links to several other websites on all subjects with games, quizzes, and other resources to help you learn topics and improve your grades.
College Student Study Tips *HS
This website is full of great resources to help you get the most out of your college experience. Here you will find resources on time management, study habits, note-taking, writing skills, research, test-taking, and presentation tips! A BIG thank you to Mrs. Green's class in Nebraska for finding this "gem" for us!
Math Dictionary *ALL+HS
This interactive math dictionary is full of math terms! You can even find math charts on TONS of different concepts. This is an AWESOME website!
Online Calculator *ALL+HS
Forget your calculator at school? No problem! Just use this one! They have this scientific calculator too!
Math Forum *ALL+HS
Lots of resources including online mentoring to help students improve their math skills. Ask Dr. Math a question or search the Internet Math Library. You can also find explanations of hundreds of math formulas or join a math discussion group. There are many free resources or you can sign up to be a member and get even more.
Math Homework Help *ALL+HS
Pick a topic, get definitions, explanations of concepts, practice concepts, and take a unit quiz. You can also find tons of different kinds of calculators such as prime number, square root, savings calculators and more (under the Calculators and Tools tab at the top).
Web Math *ALL+HS
Find explanations for any math topic for any grade level with practice questions.
English/Language Arts
Grammar Slammer *ALL+HS
Forget what an adverb is? No problem! Find explanations for all your grammar questions including a grammar glossary with examples of each.
Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus *ALL+HS
Search for definitions. Here you will find a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, Spanish-English dictionary, and a medical dictionary.
A+ Research & Writing *HS
Here's one for the high school and college students! Learn how to write an A+ research paper.
Answers for Kids *ALL+HS
Learn all about science from a biblical worldview with these fun activities, videos, and more.
Mad Science *ALL+HS
Search the MadSci library of topics, ask a scientist, or conduct a Mad Lab experiment - such as making homemade slime!
Foreign Languages
Learn a Foreign Language *ALL+HS
Select a country/language you want to learn then pick a category such as Numbers and have a native speaker read them aloud to you as you hover over them.
Learn to Speak Spanish *ALL+HS
Hear Spanish pronunciations, review Spanish vocabulary, grammar and more.
Biographies *ALL+HS
Type in a name of a famous person from history such as Amelia Earhart and find a biography of their life (some with videos). *Warning: Use discretion as there are many celebrity biographies that may not be appropriate for your child. Use the Search bar at the top to go directly to the person you are interested in researching.
Encyclopedia Britannica *ALL+HS
Search any topic for an array of related articles. A great resource for your school research project.
Bible Gateway *ALL+HS
Search what you want to find in the Bible with a specific Bible verse (i.e. Psalm 10:1), keyword (i.e. love), or topic (i.e. baptism).
Bible Reading Plans *ALL+HS
Online Bible, reading plans, and more Bible resources.
Blue Letter Bible *ALL+HS
Look up the Greek words and their meanings for more accurate Bible interpretations. You can also search keywords or verses from several different Bible translations.