Free Resources

Long Vowel Activities
Loads of long vowel goodies are included in this freebie!

Sequence and Write
These cut and paste activities help students learn to sequence...

Beginning of the Year Checklist
A great tool for teachers to keep track of their beginning...

Bible Memory Book Cover
Help children memorize Scripture by creating a Bible...

IEP Tips & Testing Terms Def.
This chart helps define testing terms for parents. It also...

Spring & Summer Fractions
These fraction coloring activities and mats are a fun way...

Disability Awareness Booklet
This student booklet teaches kids about different disabilities...

Fall Theme Logic Puzzle
Improve students higher-order thinking skills with these...

Valentine's Color by Number Activities
Single digit +/-, two-digit +/- and x/÷ options...

Short Vowel Activities
Loads of engaging short vowel activities are included in this...
What teacher doesn't enjoy a good freebie from time to time? As a former teacher turned homeschool mom, I know how grateful teachers are for free, quality resources! I also know how hard you all work and that's why I enjoy rewarding teachers whenever possible!
This free resource library is for teachers and homeschool parents. Sign up to get instant access to all my free resources! When you sign up you will also be added to my email list so I can notify you when new freebies are added!

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of Teacher Goodies!