I recently discovered this cool website to make mini image slide shows perfect for Pinterest pins! Here's an example of one I made:

You can see more examples that I made on my Pinterest page here. You can have lots of fun playing around with how many slides you want and how much time you want between slides. You can even add music if you want! I love how simple and easy it is to upload images and create your very own animated gif images. You can upload multiple images at once and then you can adjust the canvas size and animation speed.
When you have it how you like it simply click "Create Now". When it is done creating you can choose to download the GIF image. Next, you can upload your new GIF slideshow to Pinterest by clicking on the small + sign at the top of you Pinterest page and selecting, "Upload a Pin". Choose the GIF file you just created and give it a description. Don't forget to go back and add the link to your product (click on the pencil image at the bottom of your pin and enter the URL in the "Source" box). Now it's your turn to have some fun! Check out Gifmaker.me to make your own animated pins!
