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"Oreo Memorial" Day Crafts and Activities

Writer: Teacher GemsTeacher Gems


What better way to teach your students about such an important holiday as Memorial Day, but with something they already love: Oreos! The play on words, "Oreo Memorial" makes it all the more fun! I put together this fun activity pack that includes the following activities (which you can find in my TpT store here). Memorial Day this year is on Monday, May 26, 2014.

Oreo Pops Flower Bouquet 

Make this fun Oreo Pops Flower Bouquet to honor those who have served in our military and lost loved ones. You can drop it off at a Veteran's home when you are finished or just enjoy this little treat with your students as you explain the sacrifice that many gave to help protect our freedoms.

Oreo American Flag Craftivity

Here's another fun "Oreo Memorial" Day craft that you can do with students. Teach your students about patriotism with this American Flag Craft. The stars are Oreos! You can find step by step directions and templates for all of these activities in my "Oreo Memorial" Day Activities pack here.

"Oreo Memorial" Day Booklet"

Students make a fun Oreo-shaped booklet all about Memorial Day where they write a thank you letter to a fallen soldier, decorate an American flag, decorate a float for the Memorial Day parade and decorate a pin to wear to the parade.

US Armed Forces Posters

Use these posters to make a bulletin board display to teach your students about the five branches of the US Armed Forces.

"Oreo Memorial" Day Graphs"

There are several graph activities included in this activity pack. Two bar graphs are included where students interpret data and answer related questions to assess comprehension. Additional pages ask students to interview classmates on a specific question, make a tally chart and record their findings in a pictograph. Many of the activities are also common core aligned.

Memorial Day vs. Veterans Day 

Did I mention this activity pack covers more than just Memorial Day? It is packed full of activities so that you can spread it out over the year and use some for Veterans Day as well. This activity includes a fact sheet that describes the differences between Memorial Day and Veterans Day and a Venn Diagram where students can record the similarities and differences of the two holidays.

US Armed Forces Fact Cards

I put together these fact cards on the five branches of the US Armed Forces that teach students about the names, duties and responsibilities of each branch. They also include important dates and facts along with each branch's motto, colors and march. 

My brother-in-law, former member and current trainer of the Marine Corps Special Recon Forces, reviewed this product for accuracy. He loved the activities and especially loved these fact cards! I hope your students will also enjoy these activities as they learn about these important

US federal holidays.



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